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태그 '인터넷중독' : 해당되는 글 1건
2004/08/06   장시간 인터넷을 못하게 된다면? (7)

장시간 인터넷을 못하게 된다면?

TB에서 했던 설문조사. 사이트가 사이트니만큼 상당히 매니악한 선지로 구성되어 있습니다. 장시간 인터넷을 못 하면 불안하신가요? 인터넷 중독이 되지 않도록 주의합시다.

Q: What would you do if you lost your internet connection for a year?
Dont talk like that... You SCARE ME!!!   18%
I would go nuts and freak out!16%
??? I dont understand... Its just not possible to compute!11%
Lost internet connection?? Are you MAD!!!10%
I´ll prolly start doing something usefull like ... like... doh!!9%
End of the world! For sure! I would start shooting everyone!9%
Socializing... Go out and meet people! (at least I think I would)8%
I´ll prolly take up some kind of sport and forget about it!5%
Cry... I would cry for a whole year!3%
I would start reading books! Or shoot myself in the foot!3%
Run for congress and get myself a new computer and line!3%
Only one thing to do... Learn bungyjumping without the line!2%
I´ll turn into a religious fanatic and kill my dog in a satanic ritual!2%

ps. 1년에 한 달 정도는 컴퓨터 없이 사는 것 같은데, 컴퓨터가 없어도 크게 나쁜 점은 없더군요..

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